Michele Dickey-Kotz, EdD

Professor of Education


BA, University of Northern Iowa
MA, University of Northern Iowa
EdD, University of Missouri - Columbia

Phone Number

Office: 641.784.5202


Zimmermann Hall

Room Location

Zimmermann Hall 315

Michele Dickey-Kotz, EdD, Professor of Education, is a passionate teacher driven by the belief that it is her responsibility to promote, provoke, or inspire those around her to become the very best version of themselves.

Michele has long studied and researched the area of college student development and has extended this study to examine what impact environment and experience play on student mindset, motivation and identity development. She asserts “…figuring out who we are is not easy work. It is hard work, but it can (and must) be fun, enlightening and stimulating work. It is critical that once we do have a sense of self, that we work diligently to become informed citizens of the world so that we may purposefully and genuinely live our lives with awareness and intention.”

I believe (with my whole being) that education is the threshold of social change. Education is the door through which agents of change pass to break cycles of ignorance, poverty, and abuse. In a world that cries out for social justice, it is the social change agents that will lead us.