Decoration Graphic

Students are expected to attend classes regularly, be punctual, and complete all work whether present or not. Whenever possible, the opportunity for making up coursework missed as a result of an excused absence is to be worked out between the instructor and the student upon the student’s initiative.

Excused absences include the following:

  1. The student has contacted the faculty member prior to the absence due to a University sponsored activity,
  2. The student has contacted the faculty member prior to the absence and the faculty member concurs that the absence is unavoidable and legitimate.
  3. For Lamoni students, the Dean of Students (or faculty member) determines that the student has missed classes/assignments due to factors beyond the student’s control (i.e. illness, family misfortune, etc.) and the faculty member concurs.
  4. For non-Lamoni students, the faculty member makes the determination and, when appropriate, the Dean of School, or his or her designate, concurs that the absence was unavoidable and legitimate.

All other absences are considered unexcused, in which case the instructor is not obligated to provide an opportunity for making up coursework for credit.

Administrative Course Withdrawal

  1. Classroom Courses. To validate enrollment in a seated course, students must attend at least one class session during the first week. Federal financial aid regulations require the institution to document that each student began attendance in all classes that contributed to the enrollment status of each student. Students with only recorded unexcused absences for the two weeks of any course will be administratively dropped from the course. The Program Consultant or the Registrar’s Office will contact students to determine intentions.
  2. Online Courses. Students not participating in an online course before the census date (last day to add/drop a course) may be administratively withdrawn with or without grade penalty.
    1. A student enrolled in any online course who does not begin completion of course assignments during the first week of the course, without prior arrangement with instructor, will be administratively dropped. The last date of attendance will be set for the day before the first day of the session/subsession. The Program Consultant or the Registrar’s Office will contact students to determine intentions.
    2. Students enrolled in any online course must demonstrate an ongoing presence in their online course. If a student, who has been previously participating in course assignments, ceases all participation for two consecutive weeks (without arrangements between student and instructor), that student will be administratively withdrawn. The Program Consultant or the Registrar’s Office will contact the student to determine intentions.