ATHT3100 Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries - 3 s.h.
Techniques of injury prevention and caring for athletic injuries. Prerequisites: PHED1500 or BIOL2300 or BIOL3420
BIOL2300 Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab (3-2) - 4 s.h.
The study of structure and function of the human body on the cellular, tissue, organ, and organ-system level. All organ systems are discussed. Emphasis is on the anatomy of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and digestive systems. Laboratory includes both gross and microscopic structure and function. (One year each of high school biology and chemistry or the equivalent strongly recommended.) Additional fee required. GE3D Liberal Learning-Natural Sciences.
BIOL3420 Human Anatomy with Lab - 4 s.h.
A study of gross human anatomy utilizing charts, three dimensional models, computer simulations, and dissection of mammalian animals. The course will discuss regional and surface anatomy to establish the relationships of the various organ systems of the body. Additional fee required. Prerequisites: BIOL2100 or PHED1500.
HLTH1100 CPR and First Aid - 1 s.h.
The development of practical skills in the emergency treatment of the injured. Some attention will be given to the prevention of injuries. The content to be covered will include the Standard and Advanced levels of the First Aid program sponsored by the National Red Cross. Students holding current, equivalent certifications will receive an automatic waiver for the class. This is to be verified by the instructor of the class or the Health and Movement Science Division Chair. Additional fee required.
PHED1500 Introduction to Kinesiology - 3 s.h.
This course is designed to introduce students to the musculoskeletal system and its relationship to anatomical movements in the body. Students will examine the skeletal system, muscular system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, endocrine system, and their relationships with exercise science.
PHED2120 Motor Learning - 3 s.h.
Introduction to the principles involved in learning and teaching motor skills. Prerequisites: PHED1240 or PHED1500.
PHED2390 Teaching Team and Individual Sports - 3 s.h.
Teaching technique, analysis of skills, and principles of skill development in areas such as soccer, basketball, volleyball, softball, golf, bowling, disc golf, and racquet sports. Prerequisite: Health and Physical Education major, Elementary Education major (PE Concentration), or consent of instructor.
PHED3130 Sports Psychology (also PSYC3130) - 3 s.h.
An application of the theories and principles in psychology to the athlete, the athletic environment, and to coaching practices.
PHED3340 Biomechanics - 3 s.h.
A systematic study of the bones, joints, and muscles of the human body as well as internal external forces initiating and modifying movement. Prerequisite: BIOL2300 or BIOL3420 with a grade of "C" or higher. A grade of C or higher required to count toward the Allied Health major.
PHED3410 Theory of Coaching - 2 s.h.
Knowledge and understanding of the techniques and theory of coaching interscholastic athletics, including professional ethics in coaching.
PHED3420 Practicum in Coaching - 3-6 s.h.
Field experience for practical application of knowledge and theory in a professional setting. Student acquires experience in all phases of coaching with highly qualified personnel in a selected sport. (Note - no one may participate with students on a team in Iowa PK-12 schools unless they hold a coaching authorization or endorsement.) Pre-/corequisite: PHED3410 Theory of Coaching.
PSYC2250 Developmental Psychology - 3 s.h.
The study of human development over the entire lifespan. Focus is on the interaction of physical, intellectual, social, and emotional aspects of development. ELO5 Social Science - Equality, ELO5 Social Science - Equality and Peace, GE3E Liberal Learning-Social Sciences
SOCI4100 Social Issues in Sport (also SPMT4100) - 3 s.h.
Sociological analysis of sport in contemporary American society. Focus is upon sport as a form of social interaction, which reflects, reinforces, and helps create basic societal norms, values, attitudes, and beliefs. The impact of sport is analyzed on the basic societal institutions of family, church, school, government, and economics, from a sociological perspective. Prerequisite: Junior standing. ELO4 Global Learning - Innovation.
SPMT2300 Legal and Ethical Issues in Sports - 3 s.h.
A study of the laws, rules, regulations, and codes of ethics related to sports at all levels. A variety of viewpoints, including financial, regulatory, and societal will be explored.
SPMT3410 Sport Facility and Event Management - 3 s.h.
This course examines the principles of facility operations and management and event planning, execution, and evaluation, within the sport industry. This course provides students an industry-specific understanding of challenges to facility management as well as planning skills to ensure a successful sport event. Topics to be explored include facility design, management, operations, risk management, the sport event planning process, sport marketing, and event execution and evaluation. Offered each fall semester. Prerequisites: SPMT1200.
SPMT4100 Social Issues in Sport (also SOCI4100) - 3 s.h.
Sociological analysis of sport in contemporary American society. Focus is upon sport as a form of social interaction, which reflects, reinforces, and helps create basic societal norms, values, attitudes, and beliefs. The impact of sport is analyzed on the basic societal institutions of family, church, school, government, and economics, from a sociological perspective. Prerequisite: Junior standing. ELO4 Global Learning - Innovation.