The Spirit of Graceland
Each day at Graceland feels anything but typical these past few years, but there certainly is a rhythm to life on our campuses. In Lamoni, students eat together, learn together, play together, and study together. In Independence and online, those rhythms look different in simulation labs and clinical classrooms and virtual discussion groups, but the spirit of Graceland shines through.
In “Through the West Door,” Roy Cheville talked about the quintessence of the Graceland Experience so eloquently, referencing a spirit that is buoyant, harmonious, creative, analytic, honest, happy, humble, and reverent.
“Gracelanders have come to sense a spiritual motif running through and binding into ensemble the many-sided round of activities, frolics, athletics, studies, romance, worship, music, friendships.” -Roy Cheville (Through the West Door, 1946)
These days people talk about the Graceland Experience with a reverence as if it is something of the past, but I can confidently proclaim that it is alive and well on our campuses, and we are striving to carry it through to the next generation of Gracelanders who join our community.
Any given day at Graceland may seem inconsequential to those who are mere onlookers, but for those of us that live the Graceland Experience, daily life is anything but ordinary. No matter when you may have attended Graceland, your life was undoubtedly shaped by the experience of being a part of a caring, compassionate, and supportive campus community. And regardless of how the world may change, we remain steadfast in our pledge to help our students and alumni continue developing their potential, pursuing impactful work, and creating lives that are fulfilling.
Patricia H. Draves, PhD

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