Graceland added a COMPETITIVE INTERCOLLEGIATE RODEO PROGRAM as part of the strategic initiative to recruit more students from central Iowa and northern Missouri. The team will compete as a member of the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association (NIRA), likely as a part of the Great Plains region, and is scheduled to begin competition in the 2020-21 year.
Graceland’s ESPORTS TEAM took part in their first season of competition this spring. The new program finished second in their tier of a tournament that featured three teams ranked in the top 10 nationally. This team is an exciting, innovative addition to Graceland, and we look forward to watching their continued growth in the coming years.
Graceland signed a 3+1 AGREEMENT WITH PALMER COLLEGE OF CHIROPRACTIC allowing students the opportunity to take their first three years of coursework at Graceland before entering the Doctorate of Chiropractic program at Palmer. Students can then transfer their first year of graduate school credit back to Graceland to complete their bachelor’s degree.
Graceland has partnered with Culver-Stockton College to offer a MASTER OF ATHLETIC TRAINING DEGREE WITH A CONCENTRATION IN HUMAN AND SPORT PERFORMANCE. Students will complete three years of coursework at Graceland, then enroll as a senior at Culver-Stockton to complete the remaining two years, allowing them to gain the necessary education and skills to pass the licensure exam one year faster than other students competing for similar career positions.
Campus Ministries sponsored a CAMPUS BLESSING SERVICE on the Lamoni campus in March to acknowledge gratitude for the strong sense of community the Graceland family shares — past and present. Leading up to the service, campus members created a tapestry (pictured above) to represent the strong connections and friendships the university fosters. The service was a recognition of community, which is one of Graceland’s three core values: learning, wholeness and community
Graceland will launch a BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN DATA SCIENCE AND ANALYTICS PROGRAM under the Division of Science and Mathematics on the Lamoni campus beginning Fall 2019. Study areas such as the sciences, social sciences and business will also incorporate data science and analytics tracks. Graceland plans to offer a Master of Science in Data Science and Analytics as a follow-up online program that will enable students to complete both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in as little as five years.
As part of their project work this year, ONE GRACELAND ENACTUS GROUP STARTED A SOCIAL CAMPAIGN to highlight the things that make living in Lamoni special — whether as a college student or lifelong resident. The group designed and painted a mural (the location of which is meant to be discovered not shown), had T-shirts printed, and sent out anonymous requests for influential people to get involved. What happened in return was a special display of love for the town and the experiences that come with it. You can find them on your favorite social media platforms by searching for #TheLittleThingsInLamoni.