Aloha, Graceland ‘Ohana

On May 18, President Pat Draves, Dr. Jeff Draves, and Director of Development Ginelle Sakima Roberts ’01 embarked on a memorable journey to connect with friends at the Graceland University HAWAII SWARM. Their first stop was the Hilo Community of Christ congregation, where they enjoyed local bentos from an alumni’s family restaurant, and after dinner, they shared their favorite Graceland memories, and President Draves gave updates on the University.

The Draves and Gundersons enjoying the scenery with the traditional Ho‘okupu offerings they made.
Their adventure continued as they ventured to the Island of Hawaii, where they explored Hawaii’s Volcanoes National Park, and under the guidance of Gertrude “Trudi” Mahi ’69 and Robert “Bob” ’60 Gunderson, President Draves and Dr. Draves made Ho’okupu and listened to her present the gift protocol at the Hawaiian national park.
Two days later, they joined the Graceland Alumni Swarm at Ala Moana Beach Park in downtown Honolulu. Alumni gathered for a beach picnic, to catch up with friends, and meet President Draves and Dr. Draves. Yellowjackets from all over Honolulu brought tables, desserts, and even enjoyed delicious food made by Steve Reyes ’01.
President Draves ended the trip by attending Sunday worship at the Kalihi Community of Christ congregation, where Sakima Roberts gave the sermon.
GFAA & Ring of Honor

2023 Inductees (left to right) Jeff Criswell, Charlie ”Chaz” Seefeldt, Russell Bruch, and William ”Duke” Dudek
This year, Graceland University Athletics and Graceland Football Alumni Association (GFAA) announced THE CREATION OF THE RING OF HONOR AND THE FIRST ANNUAL INDUCTION CEREMONY. The GFAA planned a special Ring of Honor weekend at Graceland’s Lamoni campus and on September 16, football alumni and their families gathered to celebrate this year’s honorees and their outstanding contributions to Graceland’s football legacy: former head coach William “Duke” Dudek ’65, quarterback Russell Bruch ’82, linebacker Charlie “Chaz” Seefeldt ’84, and offensive tackle Jeff Criswell ’86.
The Ring of Honor is an exceptional group of individuals who played football at Graceland University and members of the Graceland football community who made significant contributions to their team and the University both on and off the field. This honor is especially meaningful as the recipients are chosen by their peers and former teammates who recognize their hard work, leadership, and dedication to Graceland’s football team.
“It is undeniable the impact these gentlemen have had on the Graceland community,” said Graceland Athletic Director Brady McKillip. “The Ring of Honor award and ceremony weekend will be a valuable tradition to honor these exceptional players and members of the football community for years to come.”
Do you want to reconnect with your former teammates and be part of a network that supports the next generation of Yellowjackets? Consider joining the Graceland Football Alumni Association!
Find out more:
Team Yellowjacket’s RAGBRAI Tradition

GRACELAND FOREVER Team Yellowjacket and supporters at West Des Moines Community of Christ Church — Jim Shaffer, Anne Phillips ’01 Shaffer, Lisa Bahn, Michael Morain ’01, Robert “Bob” Cadman, Karli Conrad-Davis ’15, Wendell Stainsby, Betsy Shelton ’96, Doris Kuhnert ’67 Cadman, Sam Smalldon ’78, Josh Hoover, and Josh Schuster.
This year A GROUP OF TWELVE GRACELAND ALUMNI AND FRIENDS sporting new Graceland University jerseys participated in Iowa’s 50th annual Des Moines Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI). RAGBRAI is more than just a bike ride, it is an epic eight-day rolling festival of bicycles, music, food, camaraderie, and community. It is the oldest, largest, and longest multi-day bicycle touring event in the world.

Team Yellowjacket documented their trek across the state, making stops at a pastry stand and sunflower field along the way.
Team Yellowjacket was created in 2011 by Michael Morain ’01, who was working at the Register and had participated in RAGBRAI as a reporter. While reporting on the event he saw lots of other universities sponsor teams and as a member of the Graceland Alumni Board of Directors he thought that Graceland alumni would enjoy participating in this team event as well. Now alumni gather from across the United States and Canada to compete on Team Yellowjacket.
When asked about his favorite part of the journey Morain said, “It’s a great way to see Iowa. People are in a good mood and happy to be there, and it’s a great way to catch up with people and meet others outside of their regular routines.”
Since then, Betsy Shelton ’96 has taken the reins and is now the captain of the team, and coordinates where the riders will stay and how their personal gear will be transported. Thanks to the generosity of Graceland alumni and Community of Christ churches, no matter the route, the riders always have some place to stay the night.
If traveling to the State Historical Museum of Iowa in Des Moines, you can see Team Yellowjacket showcased in the RABGRAI and the history of biking in Iowa exhibit where Morain’s jersey is on display.