Examen is an annual conference focused on exploring dynamic theological topics and providing practical resources and tools for contextualized ministry.
This October, we will be exploring Intersectional Theology as a way to explore the integrated and overlapping cultural and social realities that impact and shape our theological and ministerial experiences. At the 2024 Theology & Ministry colloquy, we will be spending intentional time exploring the intersectional theological issues of racial justice and climate justice.

Our distinguished guest and featured keynote for this colloquy is Dr. Grace Ji-Sun Kim. Dr. Dr. Kim is Professor of Theology at Earlham School of Religion. Kim is the author or editor of 22 books, including Intersectional Theology. Grace has appeared on PBS, BBC, MSNBC, C-Span, and more. She was included in the Englewood Review of Book’s list of “Ten Important Women Theologians That You Should Be Reading”. Sojourners recently included Dr. Kim as on of “8 Christian Women Shaping the Church in 2023”. Grace’s presence and insights are sure to inspire meaningful discussions and exploration of this critical subject. For more of Dr. Kim’s bio click here or here.