Parker Worden

Director of Bands

Phone Number

Office2: 1231231234

Cell Phone Number

Cell2: 3213213211

Cell Phone Number

WhatsApp: 1112223333


Shaw Center

Parker Worden, artist in residence, serves as director of bands at Graceland University, where his duties include conducting the Graceland Symphonic and Jazz Bands as well as teaching music theory, conducting, and music education courses. Worden is an enthusiastic educator and multi-instrumentalist who enjoys teaching and playing with groups of all sizes, styles, and ages. Prior to his appointment at Graceland, Worden worked as a public-school band director at North Andrew, a rural school in Rosendale, MO, where he taught band, jazz, and guitar at all levels. He also held a concurrent position as Assistant Director at Northwest Missouri State University where he helped teach and direct the Bearcat Marching Band, Bearcat Pep Band, and Northwest Symphonic Band. His research is focused on providing musical opportunities to underserved populations such as rural students and the elderly, as well as innovating small school music education through jazz and small ensemble playing.